General Information

Name Aoran Wang
Languages Chinese (Native), English (B2), German (C1)
Pronouns He/Him


  • 2024
    PhD in Computer Science
    Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
    • Structural Inference for Dynamical Systems
    • Network Science
    • Graph Theory
    • Supervised by Prof. Jun Pang
  • 2019
    Master of Science (MSc)
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
    • Cognitive Systems
    • Autonomous Driving
  • 2015
    Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)
    Tongji University, China
    • Mechanics and Dynamics
    • Vehicle Engineering
    • Graduated with Honors


  • 2020
    Graduate Assistant for Autonomous Driving
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
    • Engineered an innovative visual localization technique using Graph Neural Networks and OpenCV to enhance the precision of monocular camera-based navigation in autonomous vehicles.
    • Successfully presented and published the outcomes of the visual localization research in a peer-reviewed conference.
    • Investigated combinatorial approaches to hierarchical visual localization, broadening the scope of research and uncovering potential advancements in the domain.
  • 2018
    Research Intern
    Robert Bosch GmbH, Renningen, Germany
    • Organized and delivered a tutorial on AUTOSAR for the research team, initiated communication with the director.
    • Pioneered the development of a diagnosis system using an extended Kalman filter for an autonomous electric vehicle prototype’s electric propulsion system.
    • Explored the integration of modern AI methods into self-driving cars for diagnostic purposes.


  • 2020 - now
    Structural Inference (AI4Science)
    • Structure inference of dynamcial systems from observational trajectories.
    • Dealing with real-world challenge such as data irregularity and incomplete observations.
    • Created StructInfer, a pioneering open benchmark for evaluating structural inference methods across disciplines, ensuring objectivity and reproducibility.
    • Published research at premier AI conferences including NeurIPS 2022, ICML 2023, and ICLR 2024, and contributed as a reviewer at leading AI venues.
  • 2024 - Now
    • Developed models for recommendation systems using spatio-temporal graphs, enhancing them with integrated database solutions.
    • Innovated techniques for addressing missing data issues by leveraging spatio-temporal similarities.
    • Launched the LLM4EDUKG benchmark, assessing the reasoning capabilities of pre-trained large language models on domain-specific knowledge graphs.

Academic Services

  • Conferece Reviewer - ICML2022, SPIGM@ICML2023, NeurIPS2023, ICLR2024, ICML2024, IJCAI2024, AI4Science@ICML2024, ML4LMS@ICML2024, NeurIPS2024, NeurIPS2024 D&B Track

Honors and Awards

  • 2023
    • ICML2023 Student Travel Grant
  • 2022
    • NeurIPS2022 Student Travel Grant
  • 2015
    • Bachelor Graduation with Honors